Thursday 20 December 2012

Post-BreakUp sketching... :D

as mentioned.... post breakup emotional atyachar...hmmm.,.,dat was silly of me, yet made a worthy sketch... :D

wierd combo... paper, pencil, and a pack of cigarretes... ;)

one of my fav sketches i drew... drew it wen i was bored and alone... it was completely satisfactory for me...

Tuesday 18 December 2012

One of my recent works

One of my friend's friend's friend is starting dance classes in mumbai.. and obvsly, my askd on behalf of his friend just to make some kinda notice or phamplet... this is what i made.. isnt it clear, to the point, visually communicating enough???? :D

One of my recent works

unpublished favorite work

This is the site i was developing for SEDS International Conference-2012, as i was the designer of SEDS-VIT...

It was performance based web site..

Means, it runs in every browser, fast and efficient... used only one image- The Logo... everything else was coded and hence it was so quick loading... my idea and theme was something metallic and grey scale with a classy look... and because of some personal issues, i dropped out of conference and my site was never on air...instead, the actual site was made bby some kid which was playful, funky and obviously BAD performance... no offense to that guy, it just the fact...
 I loved working over this site... it was so much crystal perfect performance.,.,bdw, i made that conference logo, brochures and bla bla.... loved it... :D

Monday 17 December 2012

my fav photo

One of my favorite photos i captured....

it was captured just with my Nokia 5230...2mp cam... yet, i love it....


this is my guy trickster.... he is just awesome... :)